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Today is World Health Day!

Dr. J kankam 0

It’s a day to remember that everyone deserves good health, which includes both physical and mental well-being.

While we often think about our hearts, lungs, muscles, and bones when it comes to health, it’s crucial to also focus on our mental health.
Here are some key points about the work of our mental health.
( thoughts, feelings, actions )

▪️ Staying hopeful and confident to explore new experiences with caution.

▪️Having fears but not paralyzed with catastrophic thinking

▪️Being assertive without being aggressive.

▪️Having regrets without overwhelming guilt or hopelessness which may lead to death wishes

🚩If you find that there are persistent changes in your usual pattern, you owe it to yourself to seek help without shame.

It is part of your health, and you are worth it

⛔If you are, in crises ,in the US, call 988


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